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Parent Questionnaire Feedback

Thank you to all parents that attended the parents evening sessions - but also a big thank you for spending the time to complete our questionnaires, either online or paper format. The information that we get back from these questionnaires is very important to us and helps nursery to understand your thoughts, ideas and wishes.

Overall comments

You as parents agreed that overall staff are kind, caring and that your child receives care that is of good quality. You feel welcome into the nursery and that relationships between yourselves and nursery are good. You also feel that staff are well presented, approachable and friendly.

"Staff very friendly and approachable’ and ‘Staff approachable and always willing to listen"

"I like the staff being so friendly and approachable. I like the relationship my child has with her key worker"

You feel that nursery is well maintained, and the majority of you feel that nursery offers a secure and safe environment. If any parents have concerns with the security or safety that nursery offers, please could you share this with a member of staff as it is one of our main priorities to ensure the safety of everyone at nursery.

"Really happy with nursery as a whole"

Overall comments about the meals that nursery offer were positive. However, there were some comments that suggested changes in meals. This has been listened to and menus have recently changed. Please see our new menu boards in reception areas.

"Learning journeys are excellent, very detailed and a lovely way of seeing my child’s development and progression"

Areas for improvement and nurseries future recommendations

Some of you feel that you are not always aware of what activities your child has been offered, or whether the activities offered are varied and stimulating. All of the units provide activities aimed to encourage your child’s interest and develop skills. Please feel free to stay, have a play with your child and have a look around our nursery. If you are unable to do this, we will keep you updated within the regular newsletters.

Children’s art work is displayed in all areas of nursery, on every display board in each unit. Please feel free and spend some time having a look when collecting or dropping off your child. Children like to see their work displayed on the walls, as it builds a sense of confidence and gives them something to be proud of.

The feedback information for parents is clear and regular however some parents do feel that it could be improved. Important announcements are displayed on notice boards around the nursery, and information on activities and special dates is shared via newsletters every other month (next Nursery News due in June) or via Facebook/ social media sites.

We hope you can understand that we try our best where possible to keep you updated with all aspects of nursery life, however we know that one format of information sharing is not going to reach all of you. If you change your email address or feel another email address is best for you, please let us know as email is the quickest and easiest way for us to contact you. We have around 170 families on our nursery register, so we try to keep the cost of paper down to a minimum and use the money on other aspects of nursery.

We are willing and ready to listen to parents' suggestions in whichever way you would like to share them. If you feel you are not happy with any part of the service we provide then please feel free to contact us via telephone or email, or come in and have a chat with us.

Questionnaires are a good way for us to collate general feedback from our parents. However, if you are concerned with something specific or more serious, a brief statement is not always detailed enough for us to understand your concern fully.

Some parents shared that they didn’t feel like our nursery policies and procedures are clear and understandable. Some of the policies and procedures are on display in the main reception area of nursery. Any changes and updates in policies we have and will continue to share with you within our Newsletters.

All of your comments have been taken in to account and are considered very important to us, as this feedback can improve or confirm practice.

Finally, it is very nice to hear all your positive thoughts, ideas and suggestions about nursery. As always, we will continue to strive to provide the very best quality care for you and your child.

If you feel that we have missed anything from the questionnaire feedback, or feel that the questions are not suitable in any way - please do share your thoughts with nursery staff.

Thank you for your time.

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