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Alvaston Nursery Ofsted Report & Actions


We are extremely pleased and proud to announce that following our recent Ofsted inspection in July, we are now rated as 'GOOD'. The team have worked really hard to make changes to practice for the development of the nursery, and we are very keen to maintain and improve on this in the future.

You can read the report here, or you can find a copy in our nursery reception.

The report shows that, to further improve the quality of the early year’s provision the provider should:

Encourage parents to share even more information about what their child already knows and can do when they first start, so that this comprehensive information can be used to plan more accurately for children's learning from the outset.

What this means for us is that the current system we had in place meant that the information we gathered at settling in wasn’t in enough detail to make parents views more evident.

The inspector felt that we could better support children’s learning by extending on the information we gather to ensure we include all areas of learning.

Our starting point for this will be that we amend the checklists that we currently use to ensure that more information is sought at settling in, also we will include other areas of learning to ensure parents have more involvement in their child’s baseline assessment.

Provide more targeted opportunities for staff to share their knowledge and skills and learn from each other to help raise teaching to an outstanding level

This means that we need to make more opportunities for this type of learning, and must take appropriate steps to ensure we are meeting the needs of all staff.

The inspector felt that we could better opportunities for staff to share knowledge and skills. Our starting point for this will be that we plan and support senior staff to firstly complete written observations on members of staff within their team then secondly on members of staff from other units.

The inspector did also share on the day what the key strengths for the setting were, these can be seen below:

  • Staff are confident in their understanding of child protection matters and the procedures to follow if they have any concerns about a child’s welfare

  • Children are well supervised

  • The senior management team has a clear drive for the ongoing development of the nursery

  • The quality of the service is evaluated and take into consideration the views of staff, parents and children

  • Children are confident and happy in a nurturing environment

  • Children make their own decisions about play

  • Staff offer good support to children who are learning English as an additional language

  • Staff encourage children’s mathematical development

  • Staff are friendly, nurturing and attentive to children’s needs

  • Children settle well, forming strong bonds with staff and are happy and secure.

  • Staff support children’s emotional development

  • Children feel safe and secure

  • All children make good progress from their starting points

  • All children are well prepared for the next phase of their learning, including their move to school.

If you have questions with regard to the inspection report please see Michelle or Kirsty.

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