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Holiday Club Is Back!


The White House Kids Club is officially open for the Summer holidays! And what a fantastic first week we’ve had... Whilst we are excited to see lots of familiar (and new!) faces join us, it is essential that we all remember the importance of following our COVID-19 health and safety protocols. These are in place to ensure the safety of our staff, our children and our parents over the Summer holidays. Please take note of our protocols below:


Throughout the summer we are hoping for some sunny days! Therefore, please ensure that your child has had sun cream applied before they come to Holiday Club. Anyone needing to re-apply during the day will be supported to do this themselves.

In order to minimize any cross contamination, we will not be offering the option of paying to use Kids Club’s sun cream this year. Instead please provide a bottle of sun cream, clearly labelled with your child’s name, that can stay in your child’s bag to be used as and when needed at Holiday Club.

Please also ensure your child has a sun hat clearly labelled with their name. This can be left at Kids Club if needed.


Wherever possible we would like to encourage children to wear freshly washed clothes each day at Kids Club, in order to reduce the risk of cross contamination between children and staff. This is simply a precaution.


Unfortunately, we will not be running the tuck shop this summer due to the risk of cross contamination when handling money. Snacks will be provided for all children, or they are welcome to bring their own snacks from home. Please remember that snacks must NOT

CONTAIN NUTS due to children with allergies


We would like to encourage children to leave all non-essential personal items and toys at home during the Summer holidays. This includes books, teddies and games. We suggest that children keep a bag at Kids Club containing spare clothes, sun cream and a hat which will stay on site with us for the duration of the holidays. Please ensure all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name to avoid anything going missing or getting mixed up.

Thank you to all our parents who are already following these protocols, we really do appreciate your co-operation. To those who haven't joined us yet - we hope to see you at Kids Club very soon!


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